Taken from the Rowan Academic Integrity Policy. Submitting a computer program as original work that duplicates, in whole or in part, without citation, the work of another.Incorporating facts, statistics or other illustrative material taken from a source, without acknowledging the source, unless the information is common knowledge.Using another’s ideas, opinions or theories even if they have been completely paraphrased in one’s own words without acknowledging the source.Quoting, paraphrasing or even borrowing the syntax of another’s words without acknowledging the source.
Students can use our software to compare their writing to a vast array of content, allowing them to take charge of their academic integrity and improve. Turnitin is widely used for similarity checking throughout academia. Examples of plagiarism include but are not limited to: Here are 3 ways Turnitin’s content database facilitates the originality of written work: 1. To avoid a charge of plagiarism, a person should be sure to include an acknowledgment of indebtedness, such as a list of works cited or bibliography.
All verbatim statements must be acknowledged through quotation marks. Turnitin is a system designed to help faculty detect plagiarism. When submitting work that includes someone else’s words, ideas, syntax, data or organizational patterns, the source of that information must be acknowledged through complete, accurate and specific references. Plagiarism occurs when a person represents someone else’s words, ideas, phrases, sentences, or data as one’s own work.