The next year came a sequel in which Martin found himself caught in a nightmare surrounded by “dark energy, ghosts and illusions.” In this third installment, subtitled Curse, Martin is back after successfully completing Zorya’s tests, only to discover that she has a sister named Moria, “the moonlight,” who has another slate of “intricate puzzles” for him to overcome. In 2021, the series introduced the story of Martin, who was investigating a cult when he became trapped in the mansion of Zorya, the “daughter of the sun,” and tasked with completing a series of trials in order to gain acceptance.
Normally getting out of a cult is what poses a major challenge, but in the newly released third installment of Raven Games’ The Illusion series, getting into one will prove to once again be the source of an ongoing test of wits. Third installment in escape room horror series available now for Windows PC